
Traductrice & Interprète, EvaComInParis

« Nous avons sollicité les services de Madame LEV lors de la visite d’une délégation importante pour notre société en tant que traductrice et interprète de réunions, français-russe-ukrainien.

Yuliya nous a donné entière satisfaction et nous la recommandons sans hésitation en tant que professionnelle de haut niveau aussi bien dans la traduction de documents écrits que dans l’interprétariat de réunion. En plus d’une personnalité très agréable, Yuliya a su mettre en avant de nombreux atouts : sérieux, réactivité, capacité à travailler en équipe et sens de l’organisation. C’est une personne qui a le sens du contact et qui sait mener des négociations à haut niveau. »

Patrick PERAS, Directeur commercial, ECA Robotics


« Yuliya gave us full satisfaction not only as an interpreter but moreover with her excellent understanding of the economic and technology issues we were dealing with plus the good relation she contributed to build between us and our foreign potential partners. »

Jean-Daniel POISSON, Business DVPT MGER, TDF


Consultant & International Project Management Trainer, EvaComInParis

« Ms Lev conducted a training seminar on Project Management at our Uranium mining and milling facility in Kazakhstan in November 2009. The seminar was attended by approximately 20 graduate engineers and they all agreed that the session was a success. I sat in on the training as an observer/assessor and I can attest to Ms Lev’s expertise on both the subject matter and training style. I must also note that at our request, Ms Lev adjusted the seminar to include aspects of team work and communication. She was eager to meet our expectations. The session presented very particular challenges for Ms Lev and her colleague as the participants were of different cultural backgrounds and spoke either Russian, Kazak or French. I have no hesitation in recommending Ms Lev as a skilled presenter on project management. »

Tom POULIN, Director of Mining College, Mining Business Unit, AREVA NC


Directeur de projet LEMBERG, Centre d’expositions

« I would recommend Yuliy as a very professional manager who can organize big events on the regional level, such as big fairs and festivals. Looking at her work she is a very experienced coordinator and team leader. »

Mariya Mulyava, Regional manager, European Business Association


Responsable du label « certification professionnelle en management de projet » et de la communication, AFITEP, French Project Management Professional Association

« Yuliya was in charge of certification at AFITEP (IPMA Member Association) and has proved a real competency to present, organize the certification process with different customers in France and in different countries (Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, …). I have worked with her in training of project managers abroad and have appreciated her organization and knowledge in project management matters. I can recommend her as a trainer or a consultant on project management. »

Jean-Pierre Belicar, Consultant, JPB conseil, Vice-President of AFITEP


Directeur et fondateur, Centre français des affaires

« Yuliya is a highly qualified, business-oriented manager and talented language trainer. Her interpersonal skills greatly benefited to the success of the French Business Center in Lviv. She has excellent skills in organizing and managing both business and people. »

Lilia Mudryk, Senior BE Trainer, Lviv Academy of Commerce


« Je tiens à recommander ici Yuliya Lev que j’ai rencontré lorsqu’elle était Directrice du centre de français des affaires et dont j’ai depuis suivi la carrière. C’est une personne très organisée qui a un grand sens de l’initiative ainsi que de la gestion quotidienne des affaires courante. Elle a toujours eu le sens du contact et sait aussi bien mener des négociations à haut niveau qu’à un niveau plus simple. »

Jean-Baptiste Bailly-Maitre, Project Manager, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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